Type of beers in Kenya

Among all the drinks, beer is one of the most consumed alcoholic beverage in the world. For centuries beer has been with us, and in Kenya, it is a popular drink with a rich history. It forms part of our culture, such as traditional weddings, and is associated with social events and festivals. It is a great drink that has always graced our parties, special occasion, holiday, evening outing, and sporting scenes and is one of the best weekend drinks. There is so much to enjoy in every beer bottle beyond the sensory pleasure of drinking it. Some conservative people view it as devil's brew. However, this is not true; it's only that some people give it a bad rap. Of course, a problem may arise when one overindulges drinking, but when taken in a controlled manner, It is really refreshing drink. Buying beer in Kenya has not been a problem. However, buying your cherished beer has been made easier by online liquor shops. You can now purchase your beer on online beer delivery Nairobi and experience our free home drinks delivery services.

Beer is made in a process known as brewing. It is generally crafted from brewing and fermenting cereal grains starches mostly malted barley, though wheat, corn, and rice are also used. The brewing process and fermentation convert the starch of the grain into a sugary liquid called wort. Wort is then converted into an alcoholic drink. It produces ethanol and carbonation in the resulting beer. Forced carbonation is used in commercial brewing to replaces the natural carbonation effect. Hops are usually added as a flavoring agent and balance the sweetness of the malt. It also acts as a natural preservative and stabilizing agent. However, to create unique-tasting beers, some other flavoring agents such as fruits, herbs, and spices can be used. Also, heating or roasting malt barley alters the beer taste. Heating or roasting malted barley caramelize the sugars turning the sugar flavor into caramel flavor, chocolate flavor, and other flavors.

Types of Beer in Kenya

All types of beer are distinct in character, strength, ingredients, color, and aroma. Beers mostly have an alcohol content of 4% to 6% ABV depending on the beer type and recipe, though sometimes it may vary between 0.5% and 20%.

Beers are usually classified into two categories; lagers and ales distinguished by the process of producing specific beer brands. Depending on the type of yeast used to ferment the beer, fermentation temperature, and the fermenting process, it qualifies to be either a lager or an ale. The yeast gives every beer brand unique characteristics, which affects how it tastes and looks - light to dark-colored. Lagers are brewed with bottom-fermenting yeast under cooler temperatures, and the fermenting process takes longer. Lager beers require conditioning (lagered) in a cool place for some weeks before they are ready to drink. A good example of a lager type of beer is Pilsners.

On the other hand, ale uses top-fermenting yeast fermented at a warmer temperature. Ale beers are ready to drink soon. The most popular ale types of beer include; India pale ales (IPA), pale ales, and stouts. The yeast used in ales has a higher alcohol tolerance than the yeast used in lagers.

Did you know how beer is poured has an influence on the size and longevity of the head formed? Well, the head longevity is affected by the way you pour your beer. There are two main positions of pouring the beer; the tilt of the glass and tap flow rate. The way beer is poured allows it to release the aroma hence enabling you to enjoy more than its taste. The pouring of beer also affects how its carbonization is released. Most of the heavily carbonated brews require some time for the carbonation to settle before they're served. Many people like beer when served in warm temperature and believes cold temperature inhibits tongue and throat senses, weakens subtle nuances, and inhibits its flavor. However, sportsmen and women and people who work hard like their beer to ice cold. Whether warm or cold, order EABL drinks delivery to enjoy your beer the way you want. 

 Beers are packaged and sold in bottles and cans but are also available on draught, particularly in bars and pubs. There are different types of beer, each with amazing creative flavor to please everyone's palate. Beer is an excellent drink for a party and to entertain your guests. Buy this most popular drink and oldest beverage in the world on the top online beer, wine, and spirits shop in Kenya. We have vast distinct styles of beer at the most affordable beer prices in Kenya, coupled with free alcohol delivery services in NairobiDial us to have a taste of this complex and famous drink. Cheers!