Lamb's Navy rum brands & prices in Kenya

  • Lamb's White Rum
    700 ml
    KES 3,400
  • Lamb's Spiced Rum
    700 ml
    KES 3,800
  • lambs navy rum
    1 litre
    750 ml
    KES 2,200 - KES 2,400
Product Name Price Availability
Lamb's White Rum - 700 ml KES 3,400 In stock
Lamb's Spiced Rum - 700 ml KES 3,800 In stock
lambs navy rum - 1 litre KES 2,400 In stock
lambs navy rum - 750 ml KES 2,200 In stock
Lamb's Navy rum price in Kenya

About Lamb's Navy rum

shop online and enjoy the best rum brands in Kenya at the cheapest drinks prices